Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How much do you feel for a particular brand when you are modelling for it?

NH- Well I always choose to model for brands which I'm comfortable with. I would not model for a brand which I feel does not suit my personality or lifestyle so you can say that I do feel quite a bit for whatever brand I'm modelling for since my name is being attached to it.
What sort of a contribution can a model make towards the fashion industry?

NH- I feel a model has some responsibility towards fashion since she/he is actually representing it and has a name and face attached to it. So whatever a model wears or the look she carries can actually be considered as the 'IN' thing since she is doing it too. So we as models can actually lead fashion which means models should be careful about what they wear but that doesn't mean at all that they always have to be fashionably dressed. Even a casual at home look can be considered fashionable.
The industry obviously has given you a lot making you one of its supermodels, how do you think you can payback?

NH- I'd like to do something for the women of our nation not necessarily the industry.
Do you think our models have the capacity of matching the best in this business elsewhere in the world or even our neighbours India?NH- I think my previous answer should answer this question too. Definitely without any doubt our models have what it takes to become international. If you look at Vinny, Iraj, Iman, Sunita or Cybil or even among our previous ones like Zoella they have everything that is the requirement for any international model. One thing which we really need is 100% support of our family to do this as a profession.
Do you think our industry or market is big enough to give our models the opportunity to do that?

NH- Our industry need not be that big but again like I said earlier that what we need is support from our parents and help from the government to make our industry more international and known to the world. This way our designers and models both will benefit hugely and this can add to the soft image of Pakistan
Is modelling a lucrative business? What's the commercial aspect of modelling besides the fame and glamour factor?

NH- It's a very lucrative business but it's also a very risky profession to completely rely on for ones livelihood because you never know when you might be old and unwanted. Though in this new and evolving industry of ours there's still a long time to go before any of us becomes too old to model but there still is one thing that you have to be on the top of your game to make this a lucrative business and profession for you. If you are not one of the Most Wanted then you are easily forgotten.
If given a chance what steps would you take to revolutionise the modelling industry?

NH- Firstly I would try and get government agencies to recognise this as a serious profession so that the models have some rights and are not taken for a ride; or that we have to run marathons and beg people to pay us our due money. Secondly, I would kind of outline the requirements of being a successful model so that the new girls who want to come in have some kind of guidelines to follow so that if they do not fit the criteria then they should just quit. I mean the basic things should be a good height, good figure and some kind of good looks. You may have the height but if you don't have the other two then honey it won't work!!!

Are there any agencies working on your behalf? Would you like someone to do it all for you from finding, selecting and finalising the projects?

NH- No I don't work with agencies. I have done it all by myself.

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